Now that the internet is the new business marketplace, check to make certain that your company name or slogans are not being used by someone else, even if your business isn’t a web-based business. We have a web page, but our business mainly comes in via the telephone. Because of comments and ideas I got through the forums, I bought some new domain names and have them automatically get directed to our main website…very cool. In doing this I found that our full company name (minus the Inc.) has been being used since 2000 and they’ve got paid sponsors on the landing page. Way back when, we selected a domain name that was shorter and easier to type rather than our full company name. Never thought to buy the full name as protection. So now we probably have a legal issue to have to deal with.
I also found that someone just bought a domain name that is our website name, but with an “e-” prefix. You can’t think of everything, but somebody else just might come up with something that trades on your good name. I signed up with Network Solutions to have a portion of our company name (kind of a keyword) watched and I’m e-mailed when there is any activity using that keyword. Also lets me know if any domain names have become available with my keyword in them. Found two great ones that I scooped up right away.
It still may involve a lawyer, but at least you can address an issue sooner rather than later. The internet has lots of benefits, but it can also create lots of issues…keep a vigilent watch!
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