For anyone who does Webinars or is thinking about doing them here is some great information from Marketing Sherpa. If you haven't discovered them yet, check out their website...and do it often. They post a huge amount of information for FREE for a short period of time and then it goes into the archives that can only be accessed by members. And membership is very reasonable and worth it for serious marketers. Here's a chart that's from the archives on why webinar attendees bail...(with their full permission to distribute)
And this week they have a chart for creating a Webinar Timeline: http://bit.ly/24udQD It will be on their site for free until September 10th along with a variety of other information about Webinars, like -
How Email Series + Personalized Landing Page Lifted Webinar's ROI by 2000%
So if you're into marketing, click here and check out Marketing Sherpa's website.There is so much great information available for free if you do a little searching. My information-aholic nature loves finding this stuff and putting it out there for everyone.