
I admit it, I'm an Information Junkie!

I love information, just ask my husband...there are magazines, newsletters and books all over our house, not to mention the internet articles I print so I can read them later. He knows better than to throw out anything; even junk mail might be of interest to me (I get ideas for ad copy, etc.)!

I participate in several online Forums, sometimes just to read, sometimes I post. I come across such a wide variety of interesting topics in all of this blitz of information that I decided to share what I find in a Blog. There will be links to articles and internet sites of interest, comments on a wide variety of things - no one area could contain my thirst for knowledge and information! News of the day, comments of interest on other sites, "how-to's" on saving money on most everything, tax savings and issues, information on starting a business - you'll never know what I might come up with to blog about!

So join me while I share "a little bit of this, a little bit of that."

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